Monday, January 28, 2008

Observing the Aussies: Summertime blues...

Today is the first day of work after Australia Day and there's something I've noticed going on at work: post-holiday blues.

I used to think that happened right after Christmas, but I see that here in Australia it rather tends to be following Australia Day. Why? As one Aussie observed to me, "Australia Day is like Labor Day and 4th of July to you Americans but all rolled into one." That is, it celebrates the founding of Australia AND it's the last summer holiday weekend before school starts.

And sure enough, reports indicate the office supply and variety stores were packed over the weekend with shoppers getting school supplies. Everyday except the holiday Monday - of course. As I was driving around I saw many cars filled with a university student plus far too much stuffed in the back seat of some little junker headed for the city and the start of a new term.

What I didn't think about, and this installment remarks on, is the fact that there is a significant percentage of Australians that left work before Christmas and today is their first day back. It's so common that a morning show was doing street interviews of them on their way to work. And as they arrived at my office looking all sleek, tan, and well fed the bonhomie of these workers, nevertheless once confronted with the MAG*, wilted under the glare of work like Betty Ramsey's wax tulips on that episode of I Love Lucy.

Back to reality. Back to life.

- Farmer Ted

*Moderate Australian Grind

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