Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Flora and Fauna (3)...

Close on the heels of my first Australian wildlife sighting, came a second one. Driving towards Beachport SA at 110 Kpm, the car directly in front of us swerved alarmingly. Quicker than you can say "jolly swagman" Butters was also swerving to avoid flattening a very strange creature crossing the road in front of us.

What I took to be a porcupine at first turned out to be an echidna. A very strange looking critter that seems to live by eating ants. I observed that it must be an endangered species since a) it was out in the daytime, which on an Australian summer day in the area can reach +40C (something that caused the expiration recently of a co-workers cat); and, 2) while it was obviously trying to hustle across the road, it was also evidently not all that fast, and definitely not speedy enough to avoid a moving vehicle.

Run, little echidna! A fast as an echidna can!

Btw, it did make it to the other side without incident. After all, I would hardly call an animal seen, er, napping on the side of the road noteworthy. Knowaddamean?

- Farmer Ted

1 comment:

Woylie said...

Did you know a baby Echidna is called a "puggle"?
Also its mother has a semi pouch or flap of skin to hold the baby in then leaves it in the nest/hole. It's milk does not come from a nipple but a gland that excrets the milk as baby pushes on it and then feeds......
Born without spikes/quills, these grow later on.
If you are interested in more details on aussie wildlife visit our website and look under wildlife and our conservation work.
It's http://www.yelvertonbrook.com.au
Regards Joy