Friday, October 20, 2006

To have and to hold? Yeah, right...

Q: What's black and brown and looks good on an attorney?
A: A doberman pinscher.

How can you avoid the Sir Paul McCartney/Heather Mills bust up in the news. After claiming the divorce would be amicable for the sake of their daughter, one quoted source said that after a "furious row" two months ago the tone of the divorce proceedings turned ugly, putting Mrs Mills-McCartney on the the scent of all that dough like Jethro Bodine after a passle of Granny's hog jowls.

But I know where it all really came from: her lawyers.

Draw up a chair, I'm gonna tell you a story about the divorce of a male friend of mine who was in a similar situation. Wife, young daugther, not rich but with a couple of houses they'd purchased together (they both worked long hours). Their divorce started friendly enough with both agreeing that for their daughter it would be as non-stressful as possible.

This lasted until their first visits to their lawyers. My friend related how his lawyer kept saying things like "You know if you do this or say that, you stand a better position to get the thing." He didn't pay any attention until suddenly from out of his wife's camp, similar type requests began surfacing. Bitter court claims ensued and because of it the divorce dragged out making everyone the loser.

Except the laywers that is. Who sat there racking up billable hours in my friends case; and most likely a share of the spoils as well in the McCartney/Mills case.

You can just see Heather Mills' lawyer, JD degrees (and past victims heads) on the wall behind him, like a real-life Grima Wormtongue leaning over her shoulder, rubbing his dry stick like hands together and whispering whispering "You say he took an occasional sleeping pill when he was having trouble sleeping? You poor dear living with a man who's a drug addict. You deserve compensation for that pain and suffering. Yessss. Yessss."

There oughta be a law.

- Farmer Ted

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