Friday, August 27, 2010

"What's the matter with kids..."

After having embraced the technology before today's Gen-Y'ers were even born, I find myself feeling curiously left behind sometimes. Like the whole thing with social networking sites, something about which I have discussed my scorn and well-placed mistrust of before.

But even your Farmer may have to get on the social network bus by necessity. Take this exchange I had on the phone recently:

Me: (to my 15yo niece) We should keep in touch, Natasha.
Natasha: Well, why don’t you friend me on Facebook?
Me: Sorry. I don’t have a Facebook account.
Natasha: (with audible scorn) Oh…
Me: Well, why don’t you send me an email?
Natasha: (sounding pained) Email? Well I guess…
Me: OK! What’s your email address?
Natasha: I got lots of them. Which one do you want?
Me: (puzzled) Uh. I don’t know. Which one do you check most?
Natasha: I dunno. Gmail?
Me: GREAT! What’s your email address there?
Natasha: I got lots of 'em. I don’t know, try this one (reciting a username that must mean something if you're under 17).
Me: Perfect. I’ll send something there when I go online. You will check it, right?
Natasha: I guess. (pause) But why don’t you just friend me on Facebook?

Why do I feel like Harry MacAfee (Paul Lynde) in the movie Bye Bye Birdie?

- Farmer Ted

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