Monday, December 31, 2007

I resolve this year...

According to a Marist College survey, 48% of Americans will be making New Years resolutions in 2008. The big three being lose weight, be a better person, and stop smoking. And if last year is any indication, about half will wind up keeping them (although men are better at keeping them at a ratio of 3:2).

Me? I stopped making resolutions years ago. Dunno why. Maybe I decided I didn't like the self-imposed pressure. Or maybe it all just felt too artificial: like these things should really be something you can resolve on March 23 or July 18 or November 1 and not just January 1.

So as I go to celebrate the dawning of 2008 I'll do it with the resolution of just enjoying those I'm with and hoping they'll enjoy being with me.

- Farmer Ted

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