Saturday, June 02, 2007

All possibilities...

Your Farmer does have a personality quirk: I do view each day, each event as a chance for new possibilities. A possibility for meeting new people, learning something, making a friend, gaining experience; giving me an opportunity to be a better Farmer on station. And when I do realize that I have gained something it gives me a lot of pleasure.

People have remarked I seem cheerful all the time and that nothing seems to bother me. Being human, of course things do bug the crap outta me at times. But keeping in mind there is something in just about everything that I'm meant to see or experience that I can use; and the most astonishing things in my life have been unlooked for and unexpected means I keep that sense of wonder.

As a matter of fact, before I would go out at night with my friends I would listen to "Anything Can Happen" by the group Was (Not Was). Never one of their more popular songs, I think. And at that time I was still going to The World in NYC to dance to the house music version of "Spy in the House of Love" so if you haven't heard of the song you're forgiven.

"Anything Can Happen." Perfect lyrics. Perfect sentiments. Give it a listen.

And you'll understand Ted a little better.

- Farmer Ted

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