Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two bits, four bits...

I've decided to give up trying to understand the system of coins here in Australia.

In this monetary system, there are 6 coins: 5-cent, 10-cent, 20-cent, 50-cent, $1 and $2. While the dollar coins are so novel I have no problems with them, I am forever getting the cents ones wrong. With the US having 5-cent, 10-cent and 25-cent in popular use, I'm having to change my entire way of thinking about, well, change.

Sure on first thought it seems simple, but its required all of my brain power to not look stupid paying for things. The most common scenario being confidently trying yet invariably using the wrong coins to pay for things; gaping stupidly as the the clerk keeps holding out their hand expectantly for the rest. Worse, being helpful they eventually just say how much more they need, often telling me the missing coins.

There are two ways I've found to not get into this embarrassing situation:

1) Hold out a handful of money and let the clerk take the correct change. Unfortunately that makes you appear as if you're either 4 years old or don't understand english; both patently not true since you don't have your mother with you and, in fact, had spoken to the clerk in english.

2) Pay only with dollar coins. While that seems the adult way to hide your monetary comprehension challenges, to your horror you receive back yet more of those dayum coins to get rid of. DOH!

Guess you really can't teach an old dog new tricks, eh?

- Farmer Ted

1 comment:

Trixi said...

This made me chuckle. :-) Hope all is well.