Friday, July 24, 2009

Merry Xmas 2...

No, you're not reading wrong. It's just that tomorrow I'm celebrating my second annual Christmas in July celebration at the house with friends. As I mentioned last year at this time, now that it's cold with short days so that you want to snuggle up inside the house to a warm fire really seems like it should be the time for Christmas. And not when it's 90F and you're having a Xmas bbq like it is at calendar Christmas here in Australia.

Butters and I put together a menu to make any Christmas celebration proud: turkey with lemon stuffing, cranberry apple chutney, roast vegetables, candied yams and sourdough rolls; matched all up with cocktails and wines, including sparkling shiraz that Aussies insist you must have with turkey and you have a feast.

Yeah, I think this country does a disservice to itself by not having a bit of light and warmth during the coldest part of the year. Makes me appreciate home even more, I reckon.

- Farmer Ted

1 comment:

Trixi said...

Merry July Christmas :-D